MD网爆门 MD网爆门 Rock ISD
MD网爆门 Rock ISD is located in southern Williamson County and northwest Travis County and includes the City of MD网爆门 Rock and portions of the City of Austin and the City of MD网爆门 Park. The area covers 110 square miles encompassing high tech manufacturing and urban retail centers, suburban neighborhoods, and farm and ranch land.
Learning Centers
Special Facilities
? Auditorium at MD网爆门 Ridge High School
? Auditorium at Stony Point High School
??Two Central Kitchens
? Technology Center
? Two Transportation Centers (East and West)
??Two Athletic Stadiums (Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex and Dragon Stadium)
??Aquatic Center
? Agriculture Science Classrooms at McNeil and Stony Point high schools
? Lillie Delgado Administration Building
Our Staff*
Total Number of Employees: approximately 6,341
- Teachers: 3,445
- Professional Support: 681
- Paraprofessionals: 1,203
- Central Administration: 40
- Administrators: 454
- Auxiliary Staff: 1,334
- Teachers with advanced degrees: 30% (master’s and doctoral degrees)
- Average years of experience of teachers: 11.4 years
Beginning Teacher Salary (2023-2024)
- $54,500 – Bachelors Degree
- $55,500 – Masters Degree
- $56,500 – Doctorate Degree
2022-23 Student Demographics
- African American - 8.2% 8.2%
- Hispanic - 30.5% 30.5%
- White - 34.4% 34.4%
- Native American - 0.3% 0.3%
- Asian - 21.2% 21.2%
- Pacific Islander - 0.1% 0.1%
- Two or more races - 5.2% 5.2%
*NOTE:?Student demographic and enrollment data is pulled from the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). This page is updated generally around mid-November when the data is released by the state. The TAPR includes information from the previous school year.
Performance Indicators
- Accountability Summary
- Accountability Ratings Summary
- Index Calculations and Data Table
- College Entrance Exam Results
- Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
- TX Academic Performance Report
- Report of Disciplinary Actions
- Federal Report Card
- District Improvement Plan
- System Safeguard Report
- Distinction Designation
- SummaryDirect to College Data
- HB 5 Community and Student Engagement
ACT/SAT Scores
Average scores all subjects
Class of 2022
- ACT: 26.4 (State: 19.5)
- SAT: 1145 (State: 1001)
Graduation Rate
Class of 2022*
95.6% - MD网爆门 Rock ISD
89.7% - State
* Most current data available
District Snapshot
Get Involved

MD网爆门 Rock ISD welcomes partnerships between businesses, organizations and individuals who want to share their time, talent and resources to enrich the lives of students.

Partners in Education Foundation
The MD网爆门 Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation develops and allocates resources to the MD网爆门 Rock Independent School District to enrich, enhance, and maximize the quality of education for all students.

Leadership MD网爆门 Rock ISD
Leadership MD网爆门 Rock ISD is a monthly presentation series that gives community members a behind-the-scenes look within MD网爆门 Rock ISD schools and District administration.
Schools of Innovation
MD网爆门 Rock ISD knows that each student is a unique individual with different interests, talents, and learning styles. MD网爆门 Rock ISD MD网爆门 Schools provide students with access to innovative programs that engage and tap into their specific interests, aspirations, and preferred learning styles.
STEAM education is an approach to teaching and learning that removes the traditional barriers separating the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math. Each of these disciplines is creatively enhanced through art integration and real-world learning experiences.
Every child is a leader. Sharing a common language, our learning communities unite through the practice of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?. The spotlight on leadership provides every student the opportunity to lead and develop successful habits to help navigate their live at school and within the community.
Leader in Me? campuses include:
The Dual Language program begins in kindergarten and continues through fifth grade at 12 designated campuses. Our District offers the 90:10 Spanish Immersion model. In this model, prekindergarten and kinder students are instructed in Spanish for 90 percent and in English for 10 percent of their instructional day. All students in the program learn to read and write in Spanish first.
International Baccalaureate Programme
IB Primary Years Programme
- Anderson Mill Elementary School
- Caldwell Heights Elementary School
- Chandler Oaks Elementary School
- Spicewood Elementary School
IB Secondary Years Programme
Gifted and Advanced Academics
Advanced Academics serves students who perform at a remarkably high level. Services include:
- Advanced Placement
- Articulated Career & Technology
- Dual Credit/Concurrent Credit
- Enrichment & Clubs
- Examination for Acceleration/Credit by Examination
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- OnRamps Program
- Talented and Gifted (TAG)
- College Credit in High School Comparison Chart
Arts integration is an approach to teaching and learning in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through art. Coupled with our campus Dual Language program, students engage in the creative process in a way that meets their own unique cultural, social, emotional and intellectual needs.
MD网爆门 Rock ISD is home to a wealth of innovative programs throughout our 55 campuses. This means that the campus has chosen to focus? learning through a particular lens. Examples of innovative programs include enrichment and the environment, coding, world language and communications.
The campus-learning model guides students through an advanced curriculum at the high school and college level while providing additional resources needed to develop as well-rounded individuals. Through a partnerships with Austin Community College, students are given the tools to succeed while immersed in a higher education experience, beginning their freshman year of high school and ending with an associate’s degree or up to 60 hours of college credit by high school graduation.
MD网爆门 Rock ISD offers a free appropriate public education to all children ages 3-21 who may have orthopedic impairment, health impairment, traumatic brain injury, intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, learning disability, speech impairment, autism or multiple disabilities. Services for students who are deaf-blind, visually impaired, or auditorially impaired begin at birth.
Students have the opportunity to earn Industry Based Certifications in many of their academy classes. These certifications help students stand out in interviews, help students gain confidence in a subject area, and give students valuable experience in preparing for the level of rigor required for industry certification exams they may face in the future.
Career and Technical Education Academies
MD网爆门 Rock ISD academies are specialized programs within a high school that have a specific academic or theme-based focus and serve students based on their interests and talents.
The Academy of Business and Industry
The Academy of Health Science
The Academy of MD网爆门 Service
The Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
The Academy of Visual and Performing Arts

Points of Pride
Our students, teachers and leadership are recognized throughout the state and nation for excellence.

Academic Achievement
MD网爆门 Rock ISD’s state ratings and scores are a reflection of the outstanding education students receive. MD网爆门 Rock ISD has consecutively earned the highest possible rating of Met Standard in the Texas Education Agency (TEA) accountability system and students consistently outscore state averages in all categories of assessment.
District Leadership
MD网爆门 of Trustees
There are seven members of the MD网爆门 Rock ISD MD网爆门 of Trustees, each elected at-large to serve staggered four-year terms. Officers are elected by the members of the MD网爆门 of Trustees. Trustees provide public service to the MD网爆门 Rock ISD community without financial compensation.

Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Hafedh Azaiez
Executive Leadership Team
The Superintendent’s Executive Leadership team consists of eight members who provide strategic and operational?leadership to the Superintendent of Schools.
Area Superintendents
Our five Area Superintendents establish relationships and an open line of communication and support between campus communities and administration.