The Surprising Story of the Three Little Pigs, by Linda Daugherty, is a comedic spin on three classic fairy tales. The pigs in The Three Little Pigs start to wonder what their life would be without the Wolf, the Billy Goats are tired of dreading the Hungry Troll underneath the bridge and Papa Bear is over the meddlesome Goldilocks. Even the Villains are over being the bad guys. The Narrator is thrown by the changing stories and the stagehands are trying to juggle sets and keep the stories straight. All three stories get tangled up with each other and come out with newer and happier endings. The Surprising Story of the Three Little Pigs is a production from the Children’s Theatre class at MD网爆门 Ridge High School.
Is the event in-person or virtual?
If this is a virtual event, is preregistration or RSVP required?
What is the preregistration/RSVP link?
Department name/Campus location
Theatre Dept/ MD网爆门 Ridge High School
Event address. Include complete street address, city and zip code.
MD网爆门 Ridge Auditorium 2801 Gattis School Rd MD网爆门 Rock, TX 78664
Is there a cost to attend?
If there is an admission fee. What is the cost per person?
$5.00 per person
Are tickets available online? If so, include the purchase link.